Guide for NFT Creators
Last updated
Last updated
As a creators / founders who owned NFT project, can create NFT Staking Contract by register - setting staking configuration and provide staking rewards on Garuda Defi without coding skills.
These are some step :
Make sure to connect the wallet before execute the contracts on the Garuda Defi Platform.
Wallet support: Keplr and station (both in extension and mobile)
Go to Garuda-DeFi, on the main menu choose NFT Staking.
On the dashboard click Register
Register is only a feature used by creators, not recommended for NFT Holders
To register there is a requirement 2.5K GRDX as fee , make sure to have that balance in the wallet connected. Buy GRDX here
In NFT Information, fill in the address with the NFT Smart Contract Collection*. The name will be displayed, if not displayed - please double check the address.
Insert the image to be displayed in the main menu and paste the Link with the NFT Marketplace page, so that users can mint/purchase NFTs by referring to the link.
In Token Rewards Information, fill in the address with the CW20-Token Smart Contract *. The name will be displayed, if not displayed - please double check the address.
Click execute and confirm the transaction on wallet connected.
Please double check NFT and CW20 Token Smart Contract MUST be accurate.
After successful registration, the NFT collection will be displayed in the main menu.
Click detail, a staking config button will appear and click it.
These action will required several execute contract and transaction on wallet connected.
Insert an amount token on the pool rewards at manage pool. This action can be adjustable by withdraw (to decrease) or deposit (to increase) the pool rewards.
After insert an amount, click deposit button to execute and sign the transaction for sending an amount token from wallet to the pool rewards.
Insert a number for unstaking period, click the execute button and sign the confirmation on the wallet.
Set up the NFT rewards on NFT Trait configuration.
Assign NFT trait by select the rarity, click add and enter the amount of token rewards per day.
If collection did not have rarity, select default * and enter the amount of token rewards per day.
Click add if creators want to assign more NFT trait to reward.
After all done, click execute and sign the confirmation on wallet connected.
We recommend to use default options in case there is a typo in rarity trait. If not, the rewards will not distributed or claimed.
Double check on the main page and click detail to display all NFT configuration.
If creators still have a problem, visit us on Telegram Group or send DM to our Admin on telegram.