Guide for Users
This is guide for users to explore and locking their token thru a smart contract and generate multiple token as passive incomes.
Last updated
This is guide for users to explore and locking their token thru a smart contract and generate multiple token as passive incomes.
Last updated
Go to Cross Staking - click home and connect your wallet to open all cross staking pools. Wallet support : station and kepr wallet
After connect wallet - the cross staking pools will appear. Click detail to see any information about the staking pool (smart contract, token and rewards calculation) or click stake to start staking.
Put the amount want to stake and proceed by click stake button (Fee = 9 LUNC and 10 GRDX as burn fee) Get GRDX Token
User can withdraw the rewards in cross staking at any time.
Go to staking page find withdraw tabs and select withdraw all, all the tokens reward will be send directly to your wallet.
On the Staking page, find unstake tab and put the amount to unstake than click Unstake (You'll find the unlock duration description in unstake button) Fee = 9 LUNC and 10 GRDX as burn fee Get GRDX Token
To claim your unstaked token check on Staking page and Unstaked assets. Once the unlock period ended The Claim button will appear and can be execute instanly.